liquids (suspensions and solutions) enabled deposition of coatings with
refined microstructures. Splats are much smaller than in the case of conventional spraying which allows deposition of new generation of coatings - strain tolerant thermal barriers or very hard and dense wear resistant coatings, can be named.
Suspensions (i.e. fine powders suspended in liquid carrier - typically water or ethanol) can be efficiently sprayed by WSP-H technology. Large plasma power facilitates
carrier evaporation and thus allows high feed rates. In case of
solutions, deposit material is processed in-situ from dissolved chemical
precursors. All feedstock is thus purely liquid which facilitates injection process by prevention of clogging and sedimentation.
WSP-H was proven to be able to efficiently deposit coatings with wide range of microstructures ranging from dense to ultraporous.
See Resources for more details/examples.